Sunday, June 15, 2014

Historical Delights in review . . .

Destiny's Surrender (Destiny #2)

by Beverly Jenkins

rating 5 of 5 stars
Destiny's Surrender (Destiny's, #2)status Read from May 1, 2014
format ebook
review  Ms. Jenkins has given me an interracial romance set in early California history. Billie is more to Drew than just your everyday whore. This is evident in the way he treats her from the very beginning all the way up to the end when he was on the verge of losing her and the family they built. It takes a two year arrangement plus almost another tow for them both to realize this is beyond the arrangement they made for services rendered. 

The Duchess of Love (Duchess of Love 0.5)

by Sally MacKenzie

The Duchess of Love (Duchess of Love, #0.5)
rating 5 of 5 stars

status Read from May 9, 2014
format ebook
review  Hilarious. Exciting. Engaging.
Venus has a knack for making matches, but the one she really wanted to make. Her sister means the world to her and she wants her to be married because she is to beautiful to be alone. I found this to be a engaging ride.

The Duchess Diaries (The Bridal Pleasures #3)

by Jillian Hunter 

The Duchess Diaries (The Bridal Pleasures, #3)
rating 4 of 5 stars
status Read from May 9 to 10, 2014
format ebook
review  Them Boscastle's and their many antics of their family and life around them. Charlotte Boscastle's adventure into scandal comes at the hands of a little diary and the Duke of Wynfield.

Romancing the Duke (Castles Ever After #1)by Tessa Dare

Romancing the Duke (Castles Ever After, #1)rating 4 of 5 stars
status Read from May 20, 2014
format ebook
review  Isolde Ophelia Goodnight is little Miss Izzy Goodnight of the tales of a medieval time period. She is summoned to a castle. What awaits her there is nothing she would have expected. She makes the most of all the good, the bad, and the mysterious.

The Duke of Rothbury gets a little more than he was anticipating when he awoke that morning. The finds that his home is under siege by a woman and many of her followers.

Dare has given me another series to look forward to.

When the Marquess Met His Match (An American Heiress in London #1)by Laura Lee Guhrke

When the Marquess Met His Match (An American Heiress in London, #1)rating 3 of 5 stars
status Read from May 20, 2014
format ebook
review  False assumptions and tatty gossip is cause for misjudgment. If there is a way to recover without exposing once's self too much our hero and heroine will find it.

It took about 12 chapters for this to gain enough traction for me to look forward to the final outcome.

The Scandal in Kissing an Heir (At the Kingsborough Ball #2)by Sophie Barnes

The Scandal in Kissing an Heir (At the Kingsborough Ball, #2)rating 4 of 5 stars
status Read from May 21, 2014
format ebook
review  Family will not always look out for your best interest. This something that Lady Rebecca soon learns after her parents death and he being remanded to the care of her father's sister. For other family will want what is best for you but go about it in all the wrong ways. This is something Mr.Daniel Neville finds out. A chance meeting at the Kingsborough Ball changes life for both of them. Will it end with one losing their life in pursuit of freedom from family desires.

A Night to Surrender (Spindle Cove #1)by Tessa Dare 

A Night to Surrender (Spindle Cove, #1)
rating 5 of 5 stars
status Read from May 22, 2014
format ebook
review Victor Bramwell never imagined that he was waling right into a lordship when he went to ask a family friend to help him back into active duty. Now as the new Earl of Rycliff he is tagged with the responsbility to get a work ready militia ready for inspection in 30 days.

Susanna Finch gives the new Lord of Spindle Cove a run for his leadership skills and his manhood. She is the answer to every question posed n this little seaside cove. This battle is clear and to the point. Susanna does not see a need to have men (militia men) in Spindle Cove. She does not want them upsetting the balance of the community.

Bedding Lord Ned (Duchess of Love #1)by Sally MacKenzie

Bedding Lord Ned (Duchess of Love, #1)rating 5 of 5 stars
status Read from May 28, 2014
format ebook
review  Hilarious. There is a very entertaining cat that you all must meet. 

Duchess of Greycliffe (Duchess of Love) and mother to Lord Edward, aka Ned knows that her son would be absolutely perfect for Ellie, the vicar's daughter. Ellie has lived with her lover for Ned for years. But now its time for her to let go and take hold of what she wants more. Ellie wants to be a wife and mother. If that can't be with Ned then she is willing to forgo love take contentment with children.

I find Percy to be a major ass. Mr. Humphrey is the quintessential turn off. Lady Juliett need to be chocked. There are many characters to get to know and to learn to dislike. Bedding Lord Ned is an adventure in making love happen for you when you have no alternative to being content.

Surprising Lord Jack (Duchess of Love #2)Surprising Lord Jack (Duchess of Love, #2)

by Sally MacKenzie

rating 4 of 5 stars
status Read from May 28, 2014
format ebook
review  Jack should most certainly listen more to his instincts. Something about his new young companinon sets his mind on alert but he keeps putting it off. Then comes a time when he can no longer do this.

Frances Hadley has managed her family’s estate for years and now it is time for her to get a piece of the pie and find her own happiness. The way she goes about this is a bit unconventional. It causes a stir that is not so easy to live down. In comes the Duchess, Duchess of Love and Lord Jack's mother.

The Bride Says No (The Brides of Wishmore #1)by Cathy Maxwell 

The Bride Says No (The Brides of Wishmore, #1)rating 4 of 5 stars
status Read from May 29, 2014
format ebook
review  Lady Aileen had hopes and dreams. All of them dashed by the very thing she was hoping to achieve by leaving home. All of her dreams sold to the highest bidder by a self absorbed and self involved father.

Lady Aileen has been home for years and never expect to see her sister arrive back home the way she does. She also never expects to fall hard for her sister's betrothed. 

Lady Tara is one very, very selfish girl. Like father, like daughter. This story seems to be more about Tara and her selfishness. Although the heroine is Lady Aileen, Lady Tara takes up the bulk of the story.

The Bride Says Maybe (The Brides of Wishmore #2)by Cathy Maxwell 

The Bride Says Maybe (The Brides of Wishmore, #2)rating 4 of 5 stars
status Read from May 29, 2014
format ebook
review  To be sold by your own father is hard to handle. To be sold by your father a second time in as many months can be devastating and heartbreaking. To be rejected by the man to be is hard, not only twice but three times is even worse. Lady Tara has lessons to learn and only life with teach her these lessons.

I am not a professional reviewer.  These are just my personal opinions.

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