My Review of:
Jenny: Virtuous No More, Part 1 (Virtuous No More #1)
by Nora Blackstock
rating 3 of 5 stars
status Read from March 19 to 21, 2014
format ebook
review* Sex seems to be an issue with both parties in this tale. Neither
seems to realize they need to communicate with the other to make things better in their relationship. Marital issues that could have been solved by talking to each other.
Jenny and Mark both have sexual desire (or sexual kinks) that are not being met by the other. This first installment takes us through the realization and attempted fix of this issue. There are some typos and a few sentence structure issues. I believe that there will be some that will find fault with the premise of this story line. It is what it is and give one a look into one marriage when things are starting to head for the end of the road and they are willing to try anything to make that not happen.
I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal opinions.
*This was a free read in exchange for an honest review for the author and/or the publisher.
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