Sunday, June 30, 2019


The Adopt-An-Audiobook program is open to anyone willing to review audiobooks. There are more than 100 audiobooks looking for good homes with honest reviewers.
CLICK HERE to adopt an audiobook today!


1st Watcher by AJ Eversley (YA Sci-Fi)
5th Rimrider by LA Kelley (Sci-Fi)
6th Karma's a Killer by Tracy Weber (Cozy Mystery)
7th Aranya by Mar Secchia (Fantasy)


19th  Astraeus by Haley Cavanagh (Sci-Fi)

24th  The Ivory Staff by M Lachi (Fantasy)
29th  Vengeance by Gail Z Martin (Fantasy)
Top 10 List

Jess the Audiobookworm's top 10 Recommended Audiobook Activities

  1. Relaxing. This isn't so much an activity as a lack of an activity, but it allows for total audio immersion.
  2. Roadtripping. I love a great road trip playlist, but who says it has to be all about the music? Set cruise control and hit play!
  3. Exercising. Nothing takes my mind off of the pain of an intense workout like an even more intense story. A high-paced action thriller will still have your heart racing long after the cardio ends.
  4. Beaching. Audiobook listening is the ultimate summer fun. We've been bringing books to the pool and beach with us for decades, why not upgrade? Listening frees up your hands and you won't have to worry about a book blocking your sun or some kid splashing your pages.
  5. Working. Why count the hours in your work day when you could be counting the hours you've knocked off of your current audiobook? Turn 8 hour work days into 8 hour listening sessions. Just check with the boss first!
  6. Running errands. I always have an audiobook loaded up on my phone when heading out to run errands, especially if doctor visits are involved. I actually look forward to hanging out in waiting rooms now. I've also been known to accidentally LOL while listening in such situations… #awkward
  7. Coloring. Coloring is the perfect mindless activity to pair with audiobook listening. It's super relaxing and the combo keeps both your mind and hands occupied.
  8. Sleeping. I don't personally suffer from insomnia, but I've heard that audio listening has helped those who do. Listening to a great audiobook is the perfect way to drift peacefully off to sleep. Just remember to set a sleep timer on the book before settling in!
  9. Reading. Studies have shown that maximum comprehension is obtained through listening and reading simultaneously. This should end of the book versus audiobook debate once and for all. They’re both winners!
  10. Flying. Fear over flying? Pop an audio into your ears and lie back. I recommend choosing something relaxing like a nice Nicholas Sparks-esque romance. There's no need to heighten your anxiety with an adrenaline pumping Thriller.

Giveaway: $10 Amazon Gift Card

➜Sign up as a host here

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